
太白网 / 实用好文 / 海尔公司英文简介



  Haier was incorporated in 1984, entrepreneurship in 26 years, insist on entrepreneurship and innovation spirit, create world famous brand from a shaky business has become a global collective small factory owns more than 70,000 employees, 20xx turnover 1357 billion yuan of globalization group company."Haier" has become the first brand for global white goods, and was Newsweek (Newsweek website named as the world top ten innovative company.Haier to create the age of the Internet world famous brand.The Internet age world famous brand is characteristic of can quickly meet the user's individualized demand, the enterprise needs to mass customization rather than mass manufacturing.Haier seize Internet opportunities to solve this challenge, and actively explore practice "win-win" mode, single unity through "DaoSanJiao" organizational innovation and "end-to-end" independent operation body construction, realizes from "sell products" to "sell service" transition, create business of alienation, sustainable competitive advantage.Leading the trend of development advantage - haier accumulative patent application 1 million multinomial, home appliance enterprise in China top, and take the lead to achieve the international standard of zero breakthrough.Haier accumulative total has joined fifty-one international standard drafting, 27 a standard has promulgated.Haier through standard output, driving the whole industry chain exports.Zero distance under virtual net fusions, haier in the domestic market has strong marketing network advantage, and with the Internet sufficiently fusion, with "zero distance under virtual network convergence" makes the first time meet user first demand competitiveness."Virtual network" refers to the Internet, through the Internet community formation user viscosity,"Real nets" refers to the marketing network, logistics network, network, the first time service customer satisfaction.So many world famous brand in China they will sale of all or part of the entrusted to haier,Haier also through their abroad channel sales haier products, formed resources swap, quicken the pace of haier march world market.Zero inventory of "will be namely for" -- change traditional enterprise to product-centered model of development, the implementation of user-centered namely need namely for mass customization, realized the "zero inventory" and "zero receivable".In liquidity zero loans, on the basis of haier CCC (cash turnover days) to negative 10 days.In future development, haier tightly.spread living things networking the demand of The Times, will U - Home (intelligent household) integration as the key, the discourse power, control patent standard further development worldwide marketing network to create more user resources.Meanwhile, the "trinity" localized pattern integrated global r&d, manufacturing, marketing resources, create globalization brand.Haier in development and at the same time actively to social responsibility, rebuilding the 129 hope schools made 212 sets the animated film hb children science and education ".Haier is the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games, the only global white goods sponsors.


  Haier is the world's fourth largest white goods manufacturer and is the official home appliances sponsor of the Beijing 20xx Olympic Games.As of 20xx, the Haier Group has established a total of 64 trading companies (19 located

  overseas), 29 manufacturing plants (24 overseas), 8 design centers (5 overseas) and 16 industrial parks (4 overseas). Consistent with Haier's position as a global brand, the company employs over 50,000 people around the world. In addition, Haier boasts a 58,800-strong sales network which last year accounted for a global turnover of 118 billion RMB (16.2 billion USD). Guided by the branding strategy of CEO Zhang Ruimin, Haier has advanced through the 'brand building,' 'diversification,' and 'internationalization' stages, and since 20xx has embarked on the fourth stage: "Global Branding." Haier has enjoyed a growing international reputation over the past 24 years. 19 of the companies products, including refrigerators, air conditioners,

  washing machines, televisions, water heaters, personal computers, mobile phones, and kitchen appliances have been rated as "Top Brands" in China, and China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has named Haier refrigerators and washing machines as among China's "Top Global Brands." In 20xx, for the fourth consecutive year, Haier was ranked first in terms of overall leadership among mainland Chinese companies in the Wall Street Journal Asia's annual survey of Asia's 200 Most Admired Companies. In March 20xx, the Financial Times once again added Haier to its list of Top 10 Chinese Global Brand Names with survey respondents ranking Haier number one in terms of product quality, trust, innovation, management, and branding. In May 20xx, Haier ranked 13th on Forbes' Reputation Institute Global 200 list.As of June 20xx, the company has been awarded 8333 patents, with 1996 for Haier design team inventions. In 20xx alone Haier obtained 875 patents; 502 were invention patents.Haier has participated in the

  institution and modification of nine international standards, as well as 152 national and 425 industry standards, with three international standards set to launch in the near future. Of all the Chinese household appliance companies, Haier by far leads the way in the creation of international, national, and industry standards. Haier management models such as "OEC," "market chain," and "Integration of Individuals and Goals" have been case studies at Harvard Business School, the University of Southern California; IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland; INSEAD in France, and Kobe University. Haier's "market chain" management model has been included in the European Union's case study library.


  Company’sbrief introduction Mainproducts DevelopmentStrategy Publicservice, welfare undertaking(公 益事业) Introduction 1984:beingestablished Turnover:135,700,000,000CNY Patent:more than 10,000 Brandvalue:8,000,000,000 CNY Internet’sWorld Famous Brand(互联网 时代的知名品牌):satisfy customers’ needs OneSingle Integrated Mode(人单合一模 式):sell service instead rewarding:“China Innovative Company” Reputation Occupy6.1% whiteapplicant market under marketingsurvey Euromonitor(欧睿国际)in 20xx firstbrand globalwhite applicants, refrigerator winecabinet globalmanufacturer firstplace China’smost valuable brand rankings (中国最有价值品牌排行榜)last yearsProducts Washing Machine Wine Cabinet (酒柜) Others Computer Refrigerator Others Products Strongemission gas water heater Hanging air conditioning Cupboard Freestanding refrigerator Freestanding washing machine Disinfection cabinet Cabinet air conditioner Embedded air-conditioning Freestanding dishwasher Freestandingwine cooler Embedded dishwasher Display cabinet icebar Stand-alone dry cleaning machine Freezer Wall-type electric water heater Range hood Side suctionhood Large electric water heater Gas stove High-end oven Development Strategy Brandstrategy(1984~1991):produce refrigerator only, accumulate management experience Diversification(多元化)strategy(1992~1998):one product variousproduct Internationalstrategy(1998~20xx): being sold mainglobal economic area market Globalstrategy(20xx~now):creating different kinds HaierBrand------adjust differentcountries worldCulture racehorses. (人人是人才,赛马不相马) youmust confirm his hervalue, provided employees create value clients.Public service, welfare undertaking greenenvironmental protection hopeproject :129 Hope School onlyglobal sponsor 20xxBeijing Olympic Games Povertyalleviation (扶贫) disabledactivities (助残) HaierBrothers” Thanks




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