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  Archimedes (287 BC - 212 BC), the founder of the great ancient Greek philosopher, Wikipedia scientist, mathematician, physicist, mechanist, static mechanics and hydrostatic mechanics, and enjoyed " The father of mechanics, "the reputation of Archimedes and Gauss, Newton tied for the world's three mathematicians. Archimedes once said, "Give me a fulcrum and I can pry the whole earth."

  Archimedes established the basic principles of static and hydrostatic mechanics. Giving a number of ways to find the center of gravity of the geometric figure, including the center of gravity of a pattern surrounded by a parabola and its net parallel lines. Archimedes proves that the buoyancy of the object in the liquid is equal to the weight of the liquid it drains, and this result is called the Archimedes principle. He also gives a positive parabolic rotating body floating in the liquid balance and stability criteria. Archimedes invented the mechanical water diversion with water, can affect the full load of the lever pulley machinery, can explain the eclipse, eclipse phenomenon of the Earth - the moon - the sun running model. But he believes that mechanical invention than pure mathematics low, and therefore did not write this work. Archimedes also uses constant segmentation to find the volume of the ellipsoid, rotating paraboloid, etc. This method already has the embryonic form of integral calculation.


  People born

  In 287 BC Archimedes was born in a small village near Syracuse, Sicily, who was born in the nobility and had a relationship with the King Hieron of Syracuse. The family was very rich. Archimedes' father is an astronomer and mathematician, knowledgeable and humble. Archimedes means the great thinker, Archimedes influenced by the family, from an early age on mathematics, astronomy, especially the ancient Greek geography had a strong interest.

  At the time of the birth of Archimedes, the splendid culture of ancient Greece was gradually declining, and the economic and cultural center gradually moved to Alexandria in Egypt; but on the other hand, the emerging Roman republic on the Italian peninsula was constantly expanding its forces; North Africa also has a new national Carthage rise. Archimedes is growing in the era of this new and old forces, and Syria ancient city has become a lot of forces fighting place.

  Study experience

  In 267 BC, when Archimedes was eleven years old, Archimedes was sent by his father to Alexandria, Egypt, to follow Euglian's students, Elatase and Cannon. Alexander City is located in the mouth of the Nile, was the world's knowledge, cultural and trade center, scholars gathered, talent pool, was the world as "wisdom of the capital." The study of literature, mathematics, astronomy and medicine is very developed.

  Archimedes in Alexandria followed many famous mathematicians to study, including the famous geometric master - Euclid, Archimedes studied and lived here for many years, he eclectic and the ancient and ancient Greek culture Heritage, the subsequent scientific career has made a significant impact, laid the foundation of Archimedes in the future of scientific research.

  Defend the motherland

  In 218 BC the Roman Empire and the North African Carthaginian Empire broke out in the second Punic War. Sullivan in Sicily has always been to trust in Rome, but in 216 BC Carthage defeated the Roman army, Syracuse's new king (Haiwei Long II's grandson successor), immediately see the rudder and Carthage alliance , The Roman Empire then sent General Marcella led the sea from the sea and land at the same time attack Syria ancient.

  Syria and the Roman Empire between the war, is the age of Archimedes, the Roman army's highest commander Marcella led the Roman army surrounded the city he lived, also occupied the harbor. Archimedes did not agree to war, but had to do their duty to defend their own country. Archimedes saw the land of critical, protect the country's sense of responsibility to make him up against the enemy, so Archimedes brains, day and night invented the enemy weapons.

  ● catapult and crane

  Archimedes used a leveraged principle to create a rubble called a stone crossbow, a large boulder to the Roman army warships, or use the transmitter to the spear and stone to the Roman soldiers, all close to the wall of the enemy , Can not escape his flying stone or javelin ... ... Archimedes also invented a variety of weapons, to block the progress of the Roman army. According to some later records, when he made a huge crane, the enemy's warships can be suspended in the air, and then fell heavily to make the warships in the water crushed.

  ● Mirror condenser

  One day Syria ancient city was attacked by the Roman army, and Syria ancient city of young adults and soldiers went to the front line, the city only left the elderly, women and children, at a critical moment. At this time, Archimedes came out for their own country.

  Archimedes let the women and the children each come out of their own mirrors to come to the coast, let the mirror reflect the strong sunshine to the enemy's main sail, the reflection of the thousands of mirrors gathered in the sail At one point, the sails burned up, the fire taking advantage of the wind, the more burning the more prosperous, the Romans do not know the details, that Archimedes and invented a new weapon. He fled and fled.

  These weapons get the Roman army panic, everyone is afraid, even the general Marcelas are laughing admitted: "This is a Roman fleet and Archimedes one war", "Archimedes is myth of the hundred Hand giant ".

  The death of a great man

  In 212 BC, the ancient Roman army invaded Syracuse, Archimedes was killed by Roman soldiers, at the age of seventy five years old. Archimedes' remains were buried in Sicily, and the tombstone was carved with a cylinder of the ball to commemorate his outstanding contribution to geometry.

  Verse 1: The Roman soldiers broke into the residence of Archimedes and saw an old man digging on the ground for geometric figures. Archimedes told the soldiers that you would wait to kill me, and I could not leave the world with an incomplete formula He did not wait for him to finish, and the soldier killed him. He died with regret.

  Verse 2: A Roman soldier suddenly appeared before him, ordered him to go to Marcella, was rejected by Archimedes, and Archimedes died under the sword of the soldier.

  Version 3: Archimedes sat next to the incomplete stone wall, drawing a geometric figure on the sand. A Roman soldier ordered Archimedes to leave, and he made a gesture arrogantly, "Do not break my circle!" The Roman soldiers were furious and immediately threw the old scientist with a knife Archimedes.

  Version 4: Roman soldiers broke into the residence of Archimedes and saw an old man drawing the geometric problems on the ground of his own house. Archimedes said, "Go away, do not move my picture!" Very angry, then pull out the knife, toward the Archimedes who stabbed.

  No matter how the death of Archimedes, the most regrettable is that the Roman army commander Marcella, Marcelas will kill Archimedes soldiers as murderers to be executed, he for the Akmami Germany held a grand funeral, and built a mausoleum for Archimedes, in the tombstone according to Archimedes's last wish, engraved with the "cylindrical ball" this geometric graphics.


  Buoyancy principle

  The principle of buoyancy is that the buoyancy obtained by the object in the liquid is equal to the weight of the liquid it discharges, that is, F = G (where F is the buoyancy of the object and G is the gravity of the liquid discharged from the object). This type of deformation can be obtained (where ρ is the discharge of liquid density, g for the local gravity acceleration, V for the discharge of liquid volume) Legend of Syracuse Nang Wang for craftsmen for him to do a gold crown. But after doing well, the king suspected of the craftsmen to do the Golden Delicious is not pure gold, craftsmen privately swallowed the gold, but can not destroy the crown, and this golden crown and the original gold hand to the gold as heavy. The problem stumped the king and the ministers. As a minister suggested, the king invited Archimedes to test the crown.

  At first Archimedes did nothing to the problem. One day he took a bath at home, and when he sat into the tub, he saw the water spilled, and suddenly thought that the size of the golden crown could be determined by measuring the displacement of the solid in the water. He jumped out of the bath with excitement, and even the clothes were reluctant to wear and ran out, shouting "Eureka! Eureka!" (Ερηκα, meaning "found".)

  After a further experiment, he came to the palace, he put the crown and the same weight of pure gold on the two pots filled with water, compared the two pots of overflowing water, found to put the crown of the basin overflow Water is more than another pot. This shows that the crown of the volume of the same weight than the weight of pure gold, the density is not the same, so that the crown mixed with other metals.

  The significance of this test is far greater than the detection of goldsmiths to deceive the king, Archimedes found buoyancy law (Archimedes principle): objects in the liquid obtained buoyancy, equal to the weight of its discharge of liquid. (That is, the well-known drainage method)

  Lever principle

  Lever principle: to meet the following three points of the system, basically is the lever: fulcrum, force point, force point. Leverage principle is also called "leverage balance": to balance the lever, the two forces acting on the lever (the product of the force and arm) must be equal. That is: power × power arm = resistance × resistance arm, with the formula can be expressed as: Haiwei Long Wang and encountered a difficult problem: the king for the Egyptian Ptolemy king made a ship, because too too heavy, the ship Can not put into the sea, the king said to Archimedes: "You even the earth are lifted up, put a boat into the sea should be no problem? Archimedes called craftsmen around the ship installed a set of Beautifully designed tackle and leverer. Archimedes called more than 100 people in front of the ship, grabbed a rope, he let the king affect a rope, the ship actually slowly slipped into the sea. King unusually happy, publicly announced: From now on, I ask everyone, whatever Archimedes say, trust him!

  Mechanical application

  Archimedes for mechanical research from his time in Alexandria school day, one day Archimedes in the long drought on the Nile side of the walk, see the farmers pouring water quite hard, after thinking he invented a The use of spiral in the water pipe in the rotation of the water to suck up the tools, later people call it "Archimedes spiral water extractor." Egypt has been up to two thousand years after the modern, and some people use this device. This tool became the ancestor of the later propeller.

  Archimedes attaches great importance to the test, life design, manufacture a lot of equipment and machinery, it is worth mentioning that there are weight pulley, irrigation machine, water machine and military use of rubble and so on.

  At the time of Europe, in the engineering and daily life, often use some simple machinery, such as: screws, tackles, levers, gears, etc., Archimedes spent a lot of time to study, found the "lever principle" and "torque" Concept, for the regular use of tools to create machinery in the Archimedes, the theory applied to the actual life is easy. Archimedes is likely to be the most thorough understanding of the principles and the use of machinery in the world at that time.

  Archimedes and Athens scientists have a distinct difference, that is, he attaches importance to the rigor of science, accuracy, requirements for each question are accurate and logical proof; also attaches great importance to the practical application of scientific knowledge.

  Master of Mathematics

  Archimedes also has a very brilliant achievement in mathematics, especially in geography.

  Archimedes 'mathematical thought contains calculus, Archimedes' "methodology" has been "very close to modern calculus", there are mathematical "infinite" advanced research, throughout the whole story is how Mathematical model for physical application.

  What he lacks is that there is no limit concept, but its thought is extended to the 17th century mature mature infinite analysis of the field, to inform the birth of calculus.

  Archimedes made Euclid's idea of approaching ideas. He uses the "approximation method" to calculate the sphere area, the volume of the ball, the parabola, the elliptical area, the later mathematicians based on this "approach" to develop into modern "calculus". Archimedes also use the rounded method to obtain the value of π between 3.14163 and 3.14286.

  In addition, he calculated that the surface area of the ball is four times the area of the largest circular area, and the volume of the cylindrical sphere is two thirds of the volume of the cylinder. The theorem is engraved on his tombstone.

  Archimedes studied the nature of the spiral curve, the current "Archimedes spiral" curve, is to commemorate him named. In addition, he in the "sand count" a book, he created a set of large numbers of methods, simplifying the way of counting.

  Archimedes' geometric work is the culmination of Greek mathematics. He combined Euclid's strict reasoning with Plato's rich imagination and harmony, reaching the realm of perfection, so that it would be done by Kepler, Cavalieri, Fermat, Newton, Leibniz and others continue to cultivate the calculus is becoming more perfect. "

  Astronomical research

  Archimedes developed a cross angle instrument for astronomical measurements and made an instrument for measuring the sun's direction to the earth.

  Archimedes also used hydraulic production of a planetarium, the ball on the day, month, stars, five planets. According to records, the planetarium not only run accurate, even when the lunar eclipse, solar eclipse can be predicted.

  Archimedes also believes that the earth may be round. In his later years Archimedes began to doubt the doctrine of the Earth Center and speculated that the earth could turn around the sun, and this conjecture was raised until the Copernican era.




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