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  "Alien E.T." is Steven Spielberg directed science fiction home film, starring by Melissa Matheson, Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore, Robert McNeperton.

  The film tells the story of the little boy Elliot and the aliens established a pure friendship. The film was released on June 11, 1982;


  An alien was not careful to stay in the earth by the companions, lonely helpless time was lucky to be good little Ai Liote found that he kept the mother secretly under the alien and named it ET The Although the language can not communicate, but they have established between the external obstacles to the emotional connection.

  Until one day, E.T. inevitably found, police, army, FBI and so flocked to, they just want this alien as a rare trial of precious products to study. With the help of my brother and little companions, Elliot rescued the dead ET from the research center, and it was unexpected that the adults had set up heavy points along the road to intercept the "rescue squad", at which time ET showed its incredible magic Strength, with the children out of the "encirclement". ET was found in the original forest, to come back to the ET came back alien spacecraft, has been obsessed with the home to finally have to leave the ET, Ai Liote reluctantly and his alien friends farewell, looking away The spacecraft pierced the horizon of the beautiful sunset, Elliot knew that he would always remember this short but beautiful friendship forever.


  Creative background

  The film's creative inspiration can be traced back to the director Steven Spielberg 14 years old, after the divorce of his parents he imagined a companion to his alien friends; in 1978, he claimed to be 28 days to shoot a The autobiography, titled "Growing Up," was spoiled by Spielberg, despite the plan being put on hold for the "1941" delay. The director also considered the follow-up to the third category of contact, and together with John Sears to prepare a dark film of the theme, called "Night Skies" (Night Skies), the film about the evil alien coercion A story of a family. Went to Tunisia shooting "Indiana Jones" period, the childhood memories of creative ideas once again occupied his mind; so he will have canceled the "night sky" revealed to the writer Melissa Matheson, and conceived some minor episodes, Such as the only friendly alien Buddy and an eccentric child became friends, in which the last Buddy was abandoned in the Earth's scene inspired the film's creative inspiration. Matheson took 8 weeks to complete the script draft, called "E.T. and Me", and then after two changes.

  Props prepared

  ET prototype of the film by the director invited for the "third category of contact" design alien Carlo Lambdi Di (Carlo Rambaldi) surgeon, its unique neck from the Lan Bodi's paintings "Women of Delta ", The face is borrowed from Carl Sandburg (Carl Sandburg), Einstein, Hemingway's face and a pug to design. The film producer Catherine Kennedy went to the Jules Stein Eye Institute to study the human eye and glass eyeballs and hired the staff to produce E.T.'s eyes. The crew produced four heads of E.T., one of which was used as a component of the machine and the rest used to finish the facial expression; E.T. clothing was dressed and performed by two dwarfes and one legless boy. Eventually appeared in the film E.T. took three months to complete the production, the total cost of up to 1.5 million US dollars.

  Shooting process

  The film in September 1981 shooting, during the shooting to prevent the story of the leak, the film uses the "A Boy's Life" pseudonym, the crew asked the actors to read the script must close the door, all appear in the studio must wear identity card. The director to stimulate the actors who are truly credible emotional performance, select the script in accordance with the chronological order of the film, and the first time to abandon the use of plot series board. In order to approach the alien near, most of the film takes a child's height to shoot.


  The film is generally considered one of the more humane sci-fi movies, and the compassionate children in the film try to help the aliens trapped on the earth, while the adults are hunt for aliens for so-called scientific research People, ET to make the children's bicycles into the sky is the climax of the whole piece, leaping the great encirclement of adults also symbolizes the purity beyond the secular power.

  The film from the child's point of view to popular in the 20th century, 80's alien culture, a change in human and ET in the previous relationship between fire and water, with unprecedented experience of the performance of science fiction that the cold theme, the previous film In the brutal aliens shaped into a good and delicate little guy. Elliott and E.T. together across the moon that infinite resurrection of the hearts of the audience fairy tale, bike flying and other scenes true, gorgeous and full of fairy tale dream color, special effects here to achieve the dream of human tools. In addition, E. T.'s modeling combines science fiction, friendly and mysterious qualities, can be described as another flash of the film achievements.

  The film beyond all the barriers to a simple but eternal story touched the hearts of the film fairy tale-like plot and allegory of the revelation of the audience laughing tears; the whole film from the opening of the suspense to the thoughtful ending can be It is not only the most important works in the history of American cinema, but also become part of the American culture.

  The film explores the extreme nature of the aliens, by contrasting the description of a lovely alien and the children who form a good friend, and the "Independence Day" to describe the aliens who wish to invade the earth.

  The film selected an unprecedented perspective, with a child encounter aliens this small plot to lead the film's big theme, Eliot to help ET escape hunt on the difficult adventure, and then experienced a variety of suffering And finally grow into a small hero, very inspiring. The film makes many viewers remembered, known as the most warm and touching sci-fi movie.




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