
太白网 / 讲话范文 / TED英语演讲:辩论一定要分出胜负



  演说者:Daniel H. Cohen

  My name isDan Cohen, and I am academic, as he said. And what that means is that I argue.It's an important part of my life, and I like to argue. And I'm not just anacademic, I'm a philosopher, so I like to think that I'm actually pretty goodat arguing. But I also like to think a lot about arguing.


  And thinking about arguing, I've come across somepuzzles, and one of the puzzles is thatas I've been thinking about arguing overthe years, and it's been decades now, I've gotten better at arguing, but themore that I argue and the better I get at arguing, the more that I lose. Andthat's a puzzle. And the other puzzle is that I'm actually okay with that. Whyis it that I'm okay with losing and why is it that I think that good arguersare actually better at losing?


  Well, there's some other puzzles. One is, why do weargue? Who benefits from arguments?And when I think about arguments now, I'mtalking about, let's call them academic arguments or cognitive arguments, wheresomething cognitive is at stake. Is this proposition true? Is this theory agood theory? Is this a viable interpretation of the data or the text? And soon. I'm not interested really in arguments about whose turn it is to do thedishes or who has to take out the garbage. Yeah, we have those arguments too. Itend to win those arguments, because I know the tricks. But those aren't theimportant arguments. I'm interested in academic arguments today, and here arethe things that puzzle me.

  好了,其实我还有以下其他困惑。例如,我们为什么辩论?而谁又从辩论中获益? 需要指出的是当我谈及辩论时,我所指的,是所谓学术辩论亦或者认知辩论,就一些我们知之甚少的方面进行辩论。例如我们的认知是否正确?这个理论是不是个好理论?对于某些数据或者文字这是不是一个很好的解释?以及很多其他的问题。我无心去争论今天该谁洗碗或者谁应该倒垃圾。当然,我们也会为那些问题争论。我经常在那类争论争论中胜出,因为我知道一些技巧。当时那些辩论没有那么重要。我感兴趣的是那些学术性辩论,而接下来这是我感到困惑的事情。

  First, what do good arguers win when they win anargument? What do I win if I convince you that utilitarianism isn't really theright framework for thinking about ethical theories? So what do we win when wewin an argument? Even before that, what does it matter to me whether you havethis idea that Kant's theory works or Mill's the right ethicist to follow? It'sno skin off my back whether you think functionalism is a viable theory of mind.So why do we even try to argue? Why do we try to convince other people tobelieve things that they don't want to believe? And is that even a nice thingto do? Is that a nice way to treat another human being, try and make them thinksomething they don't want to think?


  Well, my answer is going to make reference to threemodels for arguments. The first model, let's call this the dialectical model,is that we think of arguments as war, and you know what that's like. There's alot of screaming and shouting and winning and losing, and that's not really avery helpful model for arguing but it's a pretty common and entrenched modelfor arguing.


  But there's a second model for arguing: arguments asproofs. Think of a mathematician's argument. Here's my argument. Does it work?Is it any good? Are the premises warranted? Are the inferences valid? Does theconclusion follow from the premises? No opposition, no adversariality, notnecessarily any arguing in the adversarial sense.

  这里还有第二种辩论的模式:论证式 想想数学家的辩论。这是我的辩论方式.它有用吗?有什么优点吗?我们论证时的前提是正确的吗?我们的推论有效吗?我们的结论是否由前提推导出来?没有对立,没有敌意,辩论并非必须在一个敌对意识下进行。

  But there's a third model to keep in mind that I thinkis going to be very helpful, and that is arguments as performances, argumentsas being in front of an audience. We can think of a politician trying topresent a position, trying to convince the audience of something. But there'sanother twist on this model that I really think is important, namely that whenwe argue before an audience, sometimes the audience has a more participatoryrole in the argument, that is, arguments are also audiences in front of jurieswho make a judgment and decide the case. Let's call this the rhetorical model,where you have to tailor your argument to the audience at hand. You know,presenting a sound, well-argued, tight argument in English before a francophoneaudience just isn't going to work. So we have these models -- argument as war,argument as proof, and argument as performance.


  Of those three, the argument as war is the dominant one.It dominates how we talk about arguments, it dominates how we think aboutarguments, and because of that, it shapes how we argue, our actual conduct inarguments.


  Now, when we talk about arguments, yeah, we talk in avery militaristic language. We want strong arguments, arguments that have a lotof punch, arguments that are right on target.We want to have our defenses upand our strategies all in order. We want killer arguments.That's the kind ofargument we want. It is the dominant way of thinking about arguments.When I'mtalking about arguments, that's probably what you thought of, the adversarialmodel. But the war metaphor, the war paradigm or model for thinking aboutarguments, has, I think, deforming effects on how we argue.


  First it elevates tactics over substance. You can take aclass in logic, argumentation. You learn all about the subterfuges that peopleuse to try and win arguments, the false steps. It magnifies the us-versus-themaspect of it. It makes it adversarial. It's polarizing. And the onlyforeseeable outcomes are triumph, glorious triumph, or abject, ignominiousdefeat. I think those are deforming effects, and worst of all, it seems toprevent things like negotiationor deliberation or compromise or collaboration.Think about that one. Have you ever entered an argument thinking, "Let'ssee if we can hash something out rather than fight it out. What can we work outtogether?" And I think the argument-as-war metaphor inhibits those otherkinds of resolutions to argumentation. And finally, this is really the worstthing, arguments don't seem to get us anywhere. They're dead ends. They areroundabouts or traffic jams or gridlock in conversation. We don't get anywhere.


  Oh, and one more thing, and as an educator, this is theone that really bothers me: If argument is war, then there's an implicitequation of learning with losing. And let me explain what I mean. Suppose youand I have an argument. You believe a proposition, P, and I don't. And I say,"Well why do you believe P?" And you give me your reasons. And Iobject and say, "Well, what about ...?" And you answer my objection.And I have a question: "Well, what do you mean? How does it apply overhere?" And you answer my question.Now, suppose at the end of the day, I'veobjected, I've questioned, I've raised all sorts of counter-considerations, andin every case you've responded to my satisfaction. And so at the end of theday, I say, "You know what? I guess you're right. P." So I have a newbelief. And it's not just any belief, but it's a well-articulated, examined,it's a battle-tested belief.

  噢,其实还有一件事情,作为一个教育工作者,这里还有一个问题困扰了我很久:如果辩论是场战争,那么这也隐含着学习等于失去的意思。让我解释一下我的观点。比如说,你和我进行了一场辩论。你主张观点,P,但是我不同意。然后我说“好了,为什么你相信P”然后你给出了你的理由。 然后我反对并说,“好,那关于...?” 然后你回答我的反对。然后我提问:“额,你的意思是?那么在这个地方他如何解释?” 然后你又回答了我的问题。现在,假设一天快结束了,我反对,我提问,我给出了所有反对问题,然后在所有的问题上你都让我满意了。然后在一天快要结束的时候,我说,”你知道吗?我觉得在P这个观点上你没准是对的.“ 所以我有了新的见解.但是这不仅仅是一个见解,而是一个阐述清楚的,经过验证的,同时也是经得起挑战的见解。

  Great cognitive gain. Okay. Who won that argument? Well,the war metaphor seems to force us into saying you won, even though I'm theonly one who made any cognitive gain.What did you gain cognitively fromconvincing me? Sure, you got some pleasure out of it, maybe your ego stroked,maybe you get some professional status in the field. This guy's a good arguer.But cognitively, now -- just from a cognitive point of view -- who was thewinner? The war metaphor forces us into thinking that you're the winner and Ilost, even though I gained. And there's something wrong with that picture. Andthat's the picture I really want to change if we can.


  Sohow can we find ways to make arguments yield something positive? What we needis new exit strategies for arguments. But we're not going to have new exitstrategies for arguments until we have new entry approaches toarguments. We need to think of new kinds of arguments. In order to do that,well, I don't know how to do that. That's the bad news. The argument-as-warmetaphor is just, it's a monster. It's just taken up habitation in our mind,and there's no magic bullet that's going to kill it. There's no magic wandthat's going to make it disappear. I don't have an answer. But I have somesuggestions, and here's my suggestion.


  If we want to think of new kinds of arguments, what weneed to do is think of new kinds of arguers. So try this. Think of all theroles that people play in arguments. There's the proponent and the opponent inan adversarial, dialectical argument. There's the audience in rhetorical arguments.There's the reasoner in arguments as proofs. All these different roles. Now,can you imagine an argument in which you are the arguer, but you're also in theaudience watching yourself argue? Can you imagine yourself watching yourselfargue, losing the argument, and yet still, at the end of the argument, say,"Wow, that was a good argument." Can you do that? I think you can.And I think, if you can imagine that kind of argument where the loser says tothe winner and the audience and the jury can say, "Yeah, that was a goodargument," then you have imagined a good argument. And more than that, Ithink you've imagined a good arguer, an arguer that's worthy of the kind ofarguer you should try to be.


  Now, I lose a lot of arguments. It takes practice tobecome a good arguer in the sense of being able to benefit from losing, butfortunately, I've had many, many colleagues who have been willing to step upand provide that practice for me.


  Thank you.





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