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  Visitors: when in a garden scenic spot planning, garden owners in accordance with the main route clockwise decorated the spring, summer, autumn and winter around fake rock scene, novel idea and fine timber, the entourage of harmony, tight structure. In landscape sequence with the theme of rockery, seasonal feature is writing proposition, hills is enlightenment, summerhill is a ministry, akiyama is high, the winter hill is an end, like the creation of music or writing articles, has a strict rhyme.

  Dear visitors: a garden rockery summed up the so-called "hills and like to laugh, talk and metallurgy summerhill, such as green, bright and clean, such as makeup, akiyama mountain winter bleak and such as sleep" and "hills should swim, summerhill appropriate, the appropriate akiyama, winter mountain livable" HuaLi. Park and "appropriate woo hin", "mountain building", "stroke YunTing", "autumn pavilion", "air leakage through yue xuan" and other ancient buildings. Four seasons rockery in the set off of these LouTaiTingGe and fomous trees dotted with, more show of primitive simplicity and elegant, deep and Japan. Stone someone said that the four criteria: "wrinkled, thin, transparent, leak," seems to have conclusive, it's just a general stacked stone skills, like a garden this peak building stone, a four seasons rockery, garden week, seemed to swim in, a sign of designing different extremely common; More valuable, this spring, summer, autumn and winter are not isolated individuals separated, but unaware tiancheng. Winter scene is give a person the sense with snow did not disappear chills. But by spring scenery of the west wall opened two circular tracery, see bamboo wall to zhizhi, and give people "winter do bursts hunlei" profound artistic conception, the whole garden is like a huge picture scroll of composing system, the harmony of the beauty of composition.

  Visitors: a garden of the main landscape has finished touring. In swimming alone YuanHou, perhaps you will send a heartfelt sigh: and I also yangzhou garden, is indeed a garden in the essence of the garden.


  A park is the oldest existing yangzhou, the best preserved salt merchants garden, yangzhou dongguan street, a famous ancient lane in the south, north to the east of yangzhou river sight belt yanfu, is in the twenty-third year of qing jiaqing (1818) and huaibei salt total yellow to the narration of the house. For yangzhou representative of the classical private garden in the Ming and qing dynasties. Published in 1998 by the state council as a "national key cultural relics protection unit", and the Summer Palace in Beijing, chengde summer resort, and the humble administrator's garden and called China's four big gardens in suzhou.

  Through a complex, right against the face to see a building ground brick gate house, this is he garden gate, enter the door, came to the backyard of he garden, the garden can be divided into two parts, east and west. Now we stand by the position of the hospital is to the east garden, through the "send the noise hill" round David came to the east garden. East hall centered constitute a set of compound, appear in front of our eyes in front of the two hall, the south is embedded with "phoenix peony" brick of the hall, we call it the "peony hall". This brick is yangzhou a rare piece of brick carvings handicraft in the late qing dynasty, the middle with the peony and phoenix, pattern, around the shape of the peony foliage is inverse, decorative pattern is hydrophobic, knife and lively, smooth lines, the whole picture, the figure is outstanding theme, distinct, strewn at random have send.

  All the buildings in the east, the most delicate to ship to the north of the hall, hall like a boat, pebbles, tile floor, steps prior to pattern for water wave shape, the artistic conception, give a person with water north laid red phoenix in morning sun, is a symbol of auspiciousness, long life. On both sides of the ship main hall hall with the excessive couplet: "month masters may visit, the flowers for the walls ship for the home." Tourists, when you look at the picture face after, you may have to forget this is a land landscape, as if walking in the lake, sitting in row in the brain. We have to admire those designing in a castle in the east garden landscape can make "water without water, without the mountains have affection". In hall ship back on the fire wall is a beautiful rockery, more than 60 meters long, there are scenic mountain on the settle way, with the hollow, water around the mountain line, mind the plum tree, the mountain have a small pavilion, to board the small pavilion series floor. From a distance, rockery is like a great rivers of the motherland. If compared the fire wall to the painter's rice paper, then in front of sidewall rockery is just draw good landscape painting, give a person the sense with long, round the corner is infinite thoughts. This is the east garden. Please visit freely and take photos.




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